In April of 2006, a 12 year old girl by the name of Jasmine Richardson became the youngest murderer in Canadian history. She and her 23 year old boyfriend Jeremy Steinke (yes folks...and 11 year age difference) killed both of her parents, as well as her 8 year old little brother. The murders came after many arguments between Jasmine and her parents about her relationship with Steinke. Why wouldn't the parents of a 12 year old want their child dating a grown man? Hmm.
Jasmine met Jeremy at a "punk rock" show sometime a few months earlier and as any 12 year old girl, she fell in love instantly...perhaps it was his charm...perhaps his obvious

Now she doesn't really look 12, and I've read that she originally lied and told Jeremy she was 14, but that doesn't really make it any better, now does it?
So story goes...they watched Natural Born Killers before committing the murders. Isn't that perfect? Every person who ever watches that movie commits a murder moments after, it seems. That's pretty rad.
It's also been said that Jasmine told a friend a few days before the murders that she was going to murder her family. Friends laughed it off, as most people do to the idea of murder and Jasmine just said "Fine, don't believe me". You sure showed them, Jasmine! You sure showed them. So then the night came....
The Richardson family was stabbed to death. Because werewolves need to stab people, am I right?! I believe Jasmine attempted to strangle her little brother but failed and thus Jeremy slit his throat. Later, after being caught, she'd go on to say Jeremy made her do all these things. And then later would go on to to say that she just loved him sooooo much and thought the murders would "bring us closer together." Well, that's just romantic!
The couple was seen a few hours after the murders, kissing and laughing and having a gay ol' time. They have exchanged letters since being put in prison. In November of '08 Jasmine was sentenced to the maximum sentence of 10 years, which is the maximum penalty for someone under the age of 14. Stupid canadian laws.
I just can't help but wonder what she'll think about this say...5 years from now, when ol' Jeremy is sharin' his full moon with his cellmate instead of her. And will 10 years be enough for a girl who showed not the least bit of remorse or regret for her actions? Over all, the moral of this story, is that Canada is stupid.
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